SBOM Analysis Services for Device Manufacturers

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Get audit-ready SBOMs at scale, with a dedicated service for creation, validation and generation of compliance-ready. high-fidelity SBOM reports.

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Combining SBOM expertise, Automation & AI

Creating high-fidelity, audit-ready SBOMs at scale requires a combination of technology and expert oversight. Cybellum offers a new kind of service, where automation and AI technologies are used to conduct analysis, while experienced SBOM professionals fine tune the results, supervise the process and make the more complex decisions.

The Cybellum Human-in-the-loop Service Framework
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Automation Engine

A powerful engine conducting tasks such as detection, analysis and triaging, providing scale

AI Model

A trained model understanding the company’s unique products and policies, conducting product-specific analysis, and providing context

Cybellum Expert

An experienced product security professional overseeing the process, making the more complex decisions, guiding the AI and providing accountability

Managed SBOM Service Highlights: How it Works


Cybellum experts create an SBOM and analyze its dependencies in depth, by leveraging our automation technology


The experts use AutoFix, merge and enrichment technologies to improve SBOM fidelity and quality, and use their judgment and expertise to fine tune the results


The experts then review strings and compiled functions, validate file paths with the help of automation & AI, making sure the final SBOM is complete and of the highest quality

Key deliverables

High-fidelity, validated SBOM artifacts inline with the NTIA minimum elements for products, allowing easy assurance and vulnerability management activities

Compliance ready SBOM reports for the FDA, ISO, EU and other regulatory bodies

Let’s manage SBOMs together


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Main use cases

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Manufacturers looking to get high-quality, complete SBOMs for assurance and product security purposes, who lack the expertise or resources to do so internally

Teams looking to submit SBOM documentation to comply with the following regulations: Automotive: WP.29 R155 and ISO 21434, Medical Device: FDA Premarket Guidance, Critical infrastructure: EU CRA and IEC 62443

Which SBOM service tier is right for you?


  • Auto-Generated SBOM Creation
  • A Full NTIA Minimum Elements Report
  • Third Party Supplier and License Validation
  • Ongoing Consultation


  • EOL/EOS Information Validation
  • Component Relationship Validation
  • CPE Validation
  • Proprietary Components & Licenses
  • Dedicated Support

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