KB Kookmin Bank recognized the growing product security challenge in providing modern services based on increasingly complex software.
More suppliers.
More open source.
More weak points.
Understanding the trust of their customers was paramount. The bank was ready to rethink the tools they were using in order to better understand their product security posture and gain better visibility throughout the entire software supply chain. However, operating in the regulated financial sector, where a breach has the potential to ruin the bank’s standing, meant that reconfiguring tools designed for the IT world wouldn’t be sufficient.
Taking a product security approach, KB Kookmin Bank discovered the powers of SBOM management as a way to not only secure their software supply chain but as a way to also comply with newly introduced regulations.
Read about how Cybellum allowed KB Kookmin Bank to quickly identify and remediate vulnerabilities in their software, and throughout the software supply chain in this case study.